Fratello Cigars BAR

We offer premium cigar Bar services for events in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

an unforgettable experience


Based in the Washington DC area, Fratello Cigars is a world-renowned company offering high-end, premium-rated cigars. Our commitment to excellence and quality has earned us a distinguished reputation among cigar aficionados globally.

What sets us apart

Is our commitment to providing a truly authentic experience. Our cigars are rolled with the finest tobacco leaves, imported directly from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.

We offer a wide range of profiles in our award winning cigars earning 91, 92 and 94 ratings in cigar aficionado magazine, cigar snob as well as being featured in the Washington Post.
Fratello Cigars - Cigar Bar


Our experienced cigar sommelier brings deep passion and expertise to your smoking journey. With intimate knowledge of each cigar’s origins and craftsmanship, our sommelier offers personalized guidance to help you discover the perfect cigar, tailored to your preferences and palate.

Our sommelier’s skills extend to precise cutting, lighting, and smoking techniques that enhance each cigar’s flavor profile. At Fratello Cigars, we believe that exceptional cigar experiences are enriched by our sommelier’s knowledge and passion, guiding you confidently through the diverse world of cigars.


We cater to all kinds of events, offering tailored services for a wide range of occasions. Whether you’re planning a corporate gathering, a dream wedding, a lively bachelor party, or a memorable birthday celebration, we have the expertise and dedication to make your event exceptional. We handle the entire event so you can focus on what matters.

Our team is committed to providing personalized experiences that meet your unique needs and preferences. Our stations are fully equipped with all the necessary tools and materials, each service includes:

  • 1 Cigar Sommelier
  • Cigar Station (Setup and Cleanup)
  • Cigars
  • Cutters
  • Lighters
  • Ashtrays
  • 2 Hours Service (Minimum)
Starting Cost $1,500

We pride ourselves on providing exceptional service
and making every event unforgettable

Contact us today to schedule your event and experience the art of a cigar sommelier like never before.


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